Soweto Alexandra Township Visits, Plus Africa in Johannesburg

Our Soweto Alexandra Township Visits have survived the lock-down:

Soweto Alexandra Township Visits
Soweto Alexandra Township Visits

Please do not hesitate to contact me on or WhatsApp text on +27 82 565 2520.

Keep Well

Cedric de la Harpe & Nettie de la Harpe

Our daily Soweto Alexandra Township Visits, plus Africa in Johannesburg visit, will link you to the magic of Africa, off this page.

Soweto Visit:

We remain the preferred travel operator, who refuses to do the “zoo-like” tour, we will ferry you in from Melville, or, for a slight price adjustment, from other parts of Johannesburg.

Cedric de la Harpe, is presently the only host/guide, all visits are personal, and I focus on the real people, and the real history.

My favourite lunch stop, is the Mutwa’s @ Nancefield Hostel, the closest that you will get to Africa, while in Africa, and the highlight of the visit, these pics are twenty years old, and Mutwa’s has developed over the years.

Soweto Cedric's favourite lunch venue
Cedric’s favourite lunch venue

Should you be vegetarian, please carry your lunch with you, you are welcome to join the Mutwa community for lunch.

Should you wish to cover as many areas as possible, the local shared taxi will get you there cheaply.

Alexandra Visit:

Alexandra is my personal preferred experience, high density, business activities on every street, and once again lunch a the Madlala Mens Hostel.

Alexandra, a hive of activity.
Alexandra, a hive of activity.
Alexandra High Density Living
Alexandra High Density Living

Johannesburg Visit:

Africa in Johannesburg
Africa in Johannesburg

Walking the Streets and using local transport, allows us to get close to our heritage,

Please do not hesitate to contact me on or WhatsApp text on +27 82 565 2520.

Keep Well

Cedric de la Harpe & Nettie de la Harpe


We have been involved for twenty years, presently we are involved in the following tow initiatives;


Ubuntu Food Chain the future
Ubuntu Food Chain the future


Courageous Conversations
Courageous Conversations

Cedric and Nettie de la Harpe






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